These days technologies are literally evolving by the day. So when it comes to product development, how does this process affect the way we plan our project?
Are You Ready to Start Product Development?
Are you ready to start your product development?
Below is an edited transcript of the video.
Are you ready to start your product development?
Typically, people come in with an idea, and often, they haven't been able to do enough of their homework ahead of time before requesting our services. This is a short video to describe some of the things worth doing right away once you have an idea.
Look in the marketplace
So, let's say you've dreamed up an idea about the next greatest thing. It doesn't matter what it is, but you're pretty sure it's an opportunity. Well, then, what I do is switch hats from an inventor to a contrarian. I look at the marketplace. I try to find the device, idea, or design I had dreamed up. And I look everywhere. I look in the patent database, in the US patent database, I look on Amazon. I look in specialty stores. I look in magazines. I look all over the place for things, and I really try hard to find them. And if I still need to find it and think it's a valuable idea, then I consider doing a provisional patent on the idea because nothing's out there.
And once I have the provisional patent applied for, and there are other videos we'll show to describe this, it allows me to talk to the world about my idea and see if it's a valuable solution. Of course a valuable solution can be anything. Usually, it's something that solves a problem that someone has or makes life easier in some way, or is extremely entertaining. And there are many other versions, but these are the ones I see mostly.
Get trusted feedback on your idea
So once you've got your provisional patent in order, then you can ask your friends and family if the idea is one of significance, is it valuable? Is it something they'd actually pay for? I think that's great with friends and family initially, but then you find out that they'll often say what you want to hear. So you have to find objective people who you trust their opinion, they're in need of the potential idea that you've created, and ask them, honestly, would this be something they'd buy if they saw it on the market. Find out what other things cost in that space. Put all that together, and once you've done that, then it's worth it the next step.
We can help answer development questions
Often, people come with that information to us as well. And they are usually more prepared, and they can get more out of a visit here. We'll give honest opinions about the manufacturability and feasibility. We are not marketing experts, so we can't offer as much input on the marketability. With that information, you'll have your best experience with us, and we'll understand your needs much more quickly, and you'll get answers to your initial development questions, and or costs, and or schedules right away.
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Partner Spotlight: Multi-Innovation
Based in Silicon Valley, Multi-Innovation helps companies identify and create patent portfolios that protect their business. Shmuel Silverman, an inventor and patent strategist with over 165 patents and provisional publications, has years of experience in telecommunications, IoT, biotech, artificial intelligence, blockchain, nanotech and robotics.
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